Bertha Signature Betsy Watch

Today I simply wish to appreciate a lovely little gift I received for Mother’s Day from my three beautiful fur babies! They must be getting an incredible amount of pocket money because in the mail this weekend (being my usual unorganized self I placed the order late) I received my Bertha watch from the Betsy Signature collection!

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Money = Shopping, Shopping = Happiness

Retail therapy is the best therapy, especially when you not only spoil yourself but also get double the treats due to having a marvelous Mom of whom gets an extreme enjoyment from further subsidising your solace. I’ve not been experiencing the best of times of recent therefore she decided that it were time for her to give me a welcome distraction in the form of the White Rose, a shopping centre located in Leeds. Of course because of this, I am now excited to share with you my treasures. Please read on to discover the delights that await.

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Seasonal Shopping Haul

Hello my dear, today I have a haul! A super exciting one because it’s my Christmas shopping, yay! Unfortunately I’m unable to share with you the gifts I have bought for everyone, I will however share with you the gifts I bought for myself tehehe! It’s got to be done, hasn’t it? Read on to peek at my self given gifts!

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Make A Wish!

Okay so what’s the deal with these new shopping apps for the Iphone and Android lately? Apps such as Wish, Cute, Home and Geek etc are abundant on social media right now. If you’ve somehow managed to not stumble into one of these just yet and have no idea what I’m talking about then let me summarise. These are all free download phone applications in which you can use to shop until your heart is content, they boast incredibly cheap prices on a range of items ranging from cosmetics, wigs and fashion through to technology and homeware. Are they as fantastic or as safe as they make out however, are the retailers on there simply con artists or legitimate businesses?

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